Welcome to TellAfrica.com

TellAfrica.com is the ministry web site for the Dan Dwire Family. We are Independent Baptist Missionaries sent by Trinity Baptist Church serving with BIMI in Uganda.

Please take time to learn more About Us and the Ministries in which we are involved. The Message We Tell is also available for you to read online.

God has given us a great team of missionaries across the country of Uganda. Find Other Missionaries in Africa and learn about their ministries as well. Thanks for visiting!



Read our July 2024
Prayer Letter

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Copyright © 2002- | Dan & Amie Dwire | P O Box 94, Ntinda, Kampala, UGANDA
Telephone: +256-701-D-DWIRE (+256-701-339-473) or 1-423-521-5668
The Dan Dwire Family BIMI | Baptist International Missions, Inc.