Sept-Oct 2024 Prayer Letter | PDF Version

DIGGING DEEPER: THANK YOU for your faithful prayers for us and the ministries of Faith Baptist Church. While construction is definitely on our minds, another area where we have been digging deeper is in our weekly Bible Studies. Some have been topical while others are textual, but each study has generated great discussion through which we not only learn more about our church family and the theological backgrounds represented, but we each also learn practical application of scripture! Our Leadership Classes have also been very helpful because those enrolled can watch video lectures throughout the week at their own pace, but then we meet together to discuss, clarify, and apply the lessons learned.

PLANNING FARTHER: Each year we set aside a day or two to evaluate the ministries of Faith Baptist Church, plan ministry themes and topics, and prepare for the future. God continues to show us ways we can equip the church for the day that we will transition to an African pastor. One of our recent Leadership classes for the men was "Sermon Preparation," and we have three men each preparing to preach a Sunday in December. Please pray that God would guide us to the right person He would have to lead the church in the future (whether one of these men or someone else).

CASTING WIDER: The annual Martyrs' Day Outreach is not our only opportunity to minister to people from all over East Africa. Each October, the Uganda Manufacturers Association hosts an International Trade Show which spotlights Ugandan companies and foreign investors who have established a presence in Uganda. This brings people from almost every Ugandan tribe, from the surrounding countries, as well as vendors from countries closed to the Gospel. Our church will be spending all afternoon on Sunday, October 6, at the Trade Show to distribute tracts in nearly 20 languages and seek conversations through which we can share the Good News that Christ paid for our sins and offers to trade it for His righteousness! Please pray for receptive hearts!

• SEVEN YEARS of Faith Baptist Church on September 1, 2024!
• Significant progress in the building construction! See video.
• God's protection over Abbie and Emilie in SC during Helene.

• The construction project for Faith Baptist Church.
• God provision and identification of the future leaders of Faith Baptist Church.
• Receptive hearts during our Trade Show Outreach on October 6.


For Christ,

Dan, Amie, Abbie, Emilie and Eric Dwire

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Telephone: +256-701-D-DWIRE (+256-701-339-473) or 1-423-521-5668
The Dan Dwire Family BIMI | Baptist International Missions, Inc.